The brain is such a hot topic at the moment – it’s really incredible. You cannot walk past a book shop or magazine stand without there being an image, article or book about the brain. Never before have we been more ahead of the game – chiropractic care changes brain function in a neural plastic manner! We have so much direct evidence of this it’s not even funny: Prof Heidi Haavik Aug 2018 NZ
Pressure Headache CCS Cranio-Cervical Syndrome effect on CSF
Pressure Headache & CCS benefits with upper cervical specific adjustments delivered by chiropractors
Cranio-Cervical Syndrome (CCS) Symptomatology and Its Origin in Prior Trauma to the Neck
Foremost Symptom – “Pressure Headaches”
- Severe Headaches – most frequently described by the patient as “severe pressure headaches” or as “migraines”
- Headaches described as “sub-occipital neck pain” in the “back of the neck” at the base of the skull. “Neck pain” that is frequently position dependent (e.g. “skull forward”, “skull backward”, “turning of the head”, etc.)
- “Neck pain” described as “knife stabbing” or “pins and needle stabbing at the base of the skull”
- Headaches occurring randomly throughout the day but frequently generated by a change of head position (e.g. moving of the head from the recumbent to the upright position)
- Headaches accompanied by tinnitus and visual disturbances such as “blurred vision”, “tunnel vision”, “double vision”, “kaleidoscopic vision”, nystagmus
- “Pressure headaches” accompanied by dementia and loss of cognitive skills
Additional Symptoms Encountered:
Accompanying “Pressure Headaches” to Varying Degree:
- “drop attacks”
- “dizziness”
- “loss of balance”
- “numbness of legs”
- “difficulty walking”
- “paroxysmal vertigo”
- “sudden dropping of things from hands”
- “loss of colour vision”
- “loss of motor skills in the lower extremities and potential wheel chair confinement”
- “numbness and tingling” in the legs and feet
- “vertigo on standing and walking”
- “numbness and loss of motor control in the upper extremities”
Radiologic Findings – FONAR UPRIGHT® Multi-Position™ MRI
- Cervical spine degenerations and malalignments on cervical spine scans
a – retrolisthesis: C1-C7
b – malrotations at the cranio-cervical junction: C1-C2**
c – disc herniation’s C4-C7
- Cerebellar Tonsil Ectopia (CTE) (Chiari)
- Total or partial CSF flow obstructions on Video Visualization of UPRIGHT® CSF flow by the FONAR UPRIGHT® Multi-Position™ MRI
**These CCJ axial images are Multi-Slice Axial Scans (16 slices) of the Cranio-Cervical Junction (CCJ) available from the FONAR UPRIGHT® Multi-Position™ MRI. They provide detailed imaging of the critical cranio-cervical junction that enables visualization of the main bodies of C1 and C2 and their alignment, which is key to any assessment of cervical spine function and CSF physiology.

Cinematography of Cervical CSF Flow
- Total or partial CSF flow OBSTRUCTION (sagittal and axial) in CCS patients from the Foramen Magnum to C7 on Video Visualization of UPRIGHT® CSF flow
- Hydrocephalus and parenchymal CSF leakage
- Correlation of CSF flow OBSTRUCTION and its potential etiology of Multiple Sclerosis (Damadian RV, Chu D, “The Possible Role of Cranio-Cervical Trauma and Abnormal CSF Hydrodynamics in the Genesis of Multiple Sclerosis”, Physiol. Chem. Phys. & Med. NMR, September 20, 2011, 41:1-17), as well as its potential etiologic role in the genesis of the other neurodegenerative diseases Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ALS, and Childhood Autism
These problems have the research to show very specific chiropractic care known as upper cervical adjustments can change patients to be greatly improved or symptom free. There are various differing techniques adaptable from extremely gentle force thru to high velocity and specific tables used for accuracy. Please ring (07) 3284 2065 for a free assessment. Please bring your scans and x-rays.