Q: What is Brain Fog?
A: Clouding of consciousness, also known as brain fog or mental fog, is a term used in conventional medicine denoting an abnormality in the “regulation” of the “overall level” of consciousness that is mild and less severe than a delirium.
Clear as Mud? ok. So in layman’s terms this means poor concentration, lack of mental clarity, inability to focus, indecision or forgetfulness. There could be a hundred and 1 reasons for brain fog. Some of these are toxic, neurologic (Nerve), vascular, hormonal, infectious, traumatic or elemental (environmental) deficiency. The outer layer of the brain (called the Cerebral Cortex) needs to be constantly stimulated to keep us ‘hooked up’ to life. The cerebral cortex is also the area that becomes damaged, shrinks and dies in the process of Alzheimer’s Disease, which would obviously be an extreme case of brain fog!
For maximum performance on a day to day basis, the cortex depends apon the perfect amount of stimulation to keep it ‘aroused’ in a positive fashion. The right amount of stress, which is healthy, promotes learning and growth. Unfortunately when the cortex becomes overstimulated, or over-stressed tho, this is called distress and has a negative impact on its function and performance. Finding balance is the key

The problem with most of us today is that, most of the time, we are over stimulated beyond the point of maximum performance for the brain. Especially when we’re setting up big challenges with high expectations for ourselves, or simply trying make ends meet! At either end of whatever challenge we deliberately or unintentionally give ourselves, it eventually ends up in burn out unless managed properly. When the situation starts to dip over into overstimulation, signs and symptoms of stress start to manifest in the form of pain, skin or gut problems, fatigue, moodiness or brain fog. And then if pushed too far, anxiety and panic set in.
To read more try https://www.bangkokhospital.com/en/content/brain-fog-syndrome they discuss these topics: “Brain fog is typically rooted in a lifestyle that promotes hormonal imbalances and is exacerbated by stress.
- Electromagnetic radiation – from computer, mobile phone, tablets
- Stress – reduce blood flow to the brain causing poor memory
- Lack of sleep, no exercise
- Diet – amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants
- Toxins, pollution, chemical substances, and insecticides”
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