• Knee Pain: going, going, gone

    Knee Pain: going, going, gone

    Knee Pain: going, going, gone!

    We may have the tools for successful knee pain removal without drugs or surgery

    At Dr Steve’s Redcliffe Wellness we may help get rid of knee pain.

    We have been doing knee pain manual therapies since 2013. At your first visit if you specify knee pain as the sole treatment you want, tell us and we will do the knee pain protocol tests and assessments. you will know if you will respond to our treatment program, because you will smile and walk out happier on that visit. If we can’t help we will part as acquaintances. If its part of other painful areas that changes our assessment and we do regional assessments and multiple visits to get a result.

    Some people like the guy above cannot get down on his knees, while the other one can’t get their knee up. If you have unhappy the drugs and surgery stuff or don’t want it, we will assess you, and if we can help we will tell you straight up, and you will know. It takes time though, if you have chronic pain and discomfort, reoccurring problems and weird things going on, we can ease it. This is not so successful for recent knee injury so do the RICE – Rest Ice Compression Elevation!

    If coming post knee op wait 6 weeks, two weeks general surgery wait. We cannot help gout or if your on cancer drugs

    Dr Steve’s Redcliffe Wellness Centre

    17 Silvyn Street REDCLIFFE 4020 QLD (07) 3284 2065

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